You will not escape
You will not escape is the title of the short story that I've written and illustrated for the practical part of my master degree at Academy of Fine Art's at Bologna. The main character, Czarek, finds out that the town where he used to live is slowly dying. Abandoned by most of its locals and not particularly loved by tourists it’s getting progressively emptier and more ruined. As a local patriot he feels responsible for saving the city and he plans to do it by organizing “the show to end all shows” to demonstrate town’s heritage and hidden potential. In his journey he is joined by two people who serve sort of as “messengers from the greater power” although in realty there is nothing heavenly about them. One is a thief obsessed with history (Rysia) and the other is a hairdresser who dabbles as a fortune-teller (Cyntia). Going through the town is a search for performers to back up his plan Czarek abandons his mission, distracted by mindless reminiscing and making unachievable plans based on star-reading.
Raccoons getting in and out of the establishment weren’t anything new, however a raccoon dripping in jewels? That was definitely a first. He approached the intruder slowly, trying to keep a collected composure but every step brought to his vision even more disturbing details. It was large, furless and it had a... hat? Oh. That was the most unfortunate time to be caught without contact lenses. He was being robbed. There was a very human thief standing on the table right in front of him. Pieces of a broken stained-glass window were scattered around the floor like colorful gems.
Finished illustrations and storyboard (below)